Puzzle Grounds Patch Notes v0.2 Beta

Hello again beta testers and welcome to back to the Puzzle Grounds! Within this patch contains a variety of updates such as bug fixes, quality of life improvements, and more.

What’s New

  • Added restart buttons within the pause and end puzzle menus.
  • Better difficulty scaling for the early game puzzles.
    • Level 08 of Sky Blocks was a little too difficult alongside some of the ones that came immediately after. The levels within Sky Blocks have been rearranged to progressively get more difficult as a result.
    • This happened because of a difference in game design from the earliest levels created (Sky Blocks) to the most recently created ones (Pumpkin Gorge).
  • Tapping an interactable object has been changed to be more intuitive.
  • Clicking the “Watch Ad” button within the store no longer requires you to hit the button twice.
  • The store has been enabled. These purchases are retained on your Google Play account and will be kept from beta to live when Puzzle Grounds leaves beta. During the swap from beta to live.
    • Each purchase can only be purchased up to 5 times.
      • This was done to ensure that Google Play will track your purchases and automatically redeem the purchase again on launching Puzzle Grounds on another device or when you reinstall after deleting the application.
  • Added a setting to render all user interface buttons within the “safe area” of your Android phone.
    • Without this setting. Some phones would have their camera lens blocking UI buttons like restart or pause.
  • Achievements have been added. See the Achievements section below.
  • Added a text animation that plays when your player is unable to make a move on your turn before restarting the puzzle.
  • Fixed an issue where the 15th level of each ground would either
    • never display what stars you got when you completed it.
    • map itself to a different level entirely.
  • Added a directional pad which is set to the bottom right corner of the screen by default.
    • Opacity of the directional pad can be adjusted within the settings.
    • Size of the directional pad can be adjusted within the settings.


Achievements have been added into Puzzle Grounds! Here is a full complete list of what you can expect in the v0.2 patch.

  • Sky Blocks Perfectionist
    • 3 star every puzzle within the Sky Blocks ground.
  • Sandy Shores Perfectionist
    • 3 star every puzzle within the Sandy Shores ground.
  • Glacier Reef Perfectionist
    • 3 star every puzzle within the Glacier Reef ground.
  • Pumpkin Gorge Perfectionist
    • 3 star every puzzle within the Pumpkin Gorge ground.
  • Grounds Hopper
    • Unlock another ground to play in.
  • Fashionista
    • Change your equipped character.
  • Making an Entrance
    • Change your character’s entering and exiting animation.
  • The Heights of Success
    • Complete all the puzzles within the Sky Blocks ground with any star rating.
  • Beach Vacation
    • Complete all the puzzles within the Sandy Shores ground with any star rating.
  • Snow Day
    • Complete all the puzzles within the Glacier Reef ground with any star rating.
  • The Pumpkin King
    • Complete all the puzzles within the Pumpkin Gorge ground with any star rating.

In Closing

Sometimes your puzzle solving buddy can get a little too chatty. A setting is in the works to make them be quiet without hurting their feelings.

Continue solving puzzles and have fun with the new features. Maybe one of you will even 100% the entire game before the next content update. Let me know of any other bugs you find out there. We’re sending them to the swamp grounds that hasn’t been seen yet <wink>.

See you soon,
– Zach