Puzzle Grounds Patch Notes v1.3

Welcome back to the grounds! I’ve been radio silent for a little bit as the iOS release was in the works. By the time you read this, the iOS port might even be out. To all the new iOS users. Please enjoy your stay in the grounds! Now to the changes in this update.

v1.3 Changes

  • Fixed some levels that had blocks that you could not actually walk on.
  • Reset Settings button in the settings menu will correctly set itself to the Right Side DPad setting.
  • Fixed some minor UI issues within the main menu.
  • Removed In-App Purchasing, ads, and all monetization
    • Due to the recent game engine changes. I decided it best to go full free to play. Have fun!
  • Various minor improvements.
  • Added a way to say no to the intro tutorial.

Check It Out

Now that iOS is out (or just about depending on when this is read). I plan on posting mini development updates within the Glimmer Studios Twitter and eventually a trailer on the Glimmer Studios YouTube. If you’re interested, feel free to click the links and check it out.

I’ll be in the workshop,
– Zach