Puzzle Grounds Patch Notes v1.2

Fresh new patch from the grounds with just a tiny amount of adjustments while we work on an iOS port.

v1.2 Changes

  • Changed the name of the game to Puzzle Grounds.
    • The old name was unavailable on iOS. As such, the Google Play port is now reflecting the change in name.
    • All graphics and references to the old name in game have been changed to reflect this change.
  • Crabs in Sandy Shores now properly render their shadows.
    • Crabs before looked like they were standing in a very sunny white puddle and could be quite distracting to look at.
  • Adjusted the amount of moves required for two and three star completions on some levels.
    • If you have already beaten a level with a two or three star completion pre-change. You will still have those stars stored in this version.
  • Added text that flashes on screen when you run out of moves.
    • Noticed that some players would get confused when their move counter went over the max amount of moves. This change hopefully makes it easier to understand what happened.
  • Player is no longer able to move after you run out of moves.

In Conclusion

Sorry if you were jump scared by a brand new app name showing up on your phone. Not to worry though. This will be the last time we need to change our application name (hopefully). Next time you hear from me, the iOS port should be available unless there is a significant issue with the game.

Have a great day,
– Zach