Puzzle Grounds Patch Notes v1.0

Welcome to the Puzzle Ground and thank you for showing interest in what the ground have to offer. Each ground holds 30 hand crafted levels earning anywhere from 1 to 3 stars depending on how well you can solve them. Everything available in Puzzle Ground within this patch can be seen below inside the “V1.0 Content”

V1.0 Content

The following content is available:

  • Grounds:
    • Sky Blocks (Unlocked for all players)
    • Sandy Shores
    • Glacier Reef
    • Pumpkin Gorge
  • Characters:
    • Chimkin (Default)
    • Munchkin
    • Patty
    • Jack
    • Sir Benjamin III
    • U.F.O
    • Slime
    • Edgar
  • Transitions:
    • None (Default)
    • Pixelate
    • Holographic
    • Glass House
    • Smoke Bomb

What’s Coming?

With Puzzle Grounds released on Google Play. Efforts have been shifted to making sure that this experience is also available to users on iOS devices. This will be done in tandem with creating more grounds and puzzles to solve along with new characters and transition effects in the near future. If you receive any issues with V1.0 of Puzzle Grounds. Please send an email to william.zinn@glimmerstudios.com and it should be fixed in a future content update.

Thank you to everyone playing Puzzle Grounds!

Happy puzzle solving,
– Zach